

I offer you a look back to those "good old days" we've heard so much about.

These images are from a collection of photographs which I reproduced from the original antique glass plates and early negatives.

I will give you any information I can from the original pictures.

If you would like to enjoy some old-time ragtime
piano music, just click on the "start" button
on the player below.
All these songs were written by Scott Joplin,
     b. 02/11/1868 - Texarkana, Texas,
     d. 04/01/1917 - New York City, New York (aged 49)

#1 - Maple Leaf Rag
#2 - Pine Apple Rag
#3 - Wall Street Rag
#4 - Easy Winners
#5 - Original Rags
#6 - Maple Leaf Rag, arranged by Jelly Roll Morton
#7 - Magnetic Rag
#8 - Palm Leaf Rag
#9 - Kitten On The Keys
#10 - The Cascades

I built a darkroom in the basement of my home in Massachusetts around 1979, and fashioned a b/w photo projector, utilizing an old wooden 8"x10" view camera mounted through the wall of the darkroom.

I made glass-negative holders for the many different sized glass plates, and used photo-grade flood lights to project the images through the original camera's lens, and built photo-paper holders to be exposed by the projections.

Then I processed the exposed paper in trays of the various chemicals needed, including the dreaded sepia-tone process, as it was extremely toxic and smelled like rotten eggs. Some of the chemistry I used was Kodak D-76 film developer, Fixers, Toners, Stop bath, Wetting agent, etc.

In this way, I worked to make the best prints I could manage, up to size 30"x40".

Most of these images come from the New England area.
Many are from the Providence, Rhode Island area, especially the storefronts.

If you recognize anyone or anything within these photographs that I have not described,
please contact me.

The actual photographs, which I produced from the original glass plates and negatives, are not for sale. I processed them using archival methods as best I could, and they are stored in archival-quality plastic sheets and cases. I have scanned them at a low resolution and added a watermark to help prevent image-theft. The original negatives and glass plates are no-longer available for direct printing methods.

All the images and the music are ©copyrighted.
Please respect the Authors' rights and the Federal Laws.

arrow-gold-green-right-1   Now, on to the images...   arrow-gold-green-right-1

When you see the medium and then the larger images,
you will see that I included some of the edges of the scan.
This way you get to see whatever I have on the original print.
I did not crop at all.

gears.gifThese pages will be in a constant state of construction,
so please visit often.  I have hundreds of images to scan
and put online as time allows...

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Original date of display online:
      January 1998

This page last updated on:
      April 4, 2017 12:37 PM (...since 11/13/2015 - been busy, what can I tell ya?)