Empire State Sidewheel Steamboat

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I can make out only about 16 dark-clothed people on the upper deck, all, of course, wearing hats.

The middle deck is all in shadow, so i can't see any details there.

The main deck shows a man leaning on the railing. He may be wearing bib overalls, or maybe just has his coat off and is wearing a vest.

We are looking at the stern of the ship, and you can see the 4 sets of davits (a small crane on board a ship, especially one of a pair for suspending or lowering a lifeboat.) swung inboard to hold the 4 lifeboats. I can make out more davit sets forward of the boilers, so we're okay with safety, including the life preserver hanging at the stern.

Here is a picture I found with the following caption:
"The Empire State was built in 1848 to serve as a running mate for the Bay State. The two boats were used to operate a six-day-a-week service, leaving from alternate ends of the route. The Empire State remained a Long Island Sound overnight boat until 1870, when she was taken to Boston for use as an excursion boat. She was destroyed by fire in May 1887 while being prepared for another summer season." - Google Books


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