Boston Bunker Hill Car #3023

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Boston Bunker Hill Car #3023
The "Bunker Hill" sign is above the "Special Car" sign of car #3023.

There is a "Tootsie Rolls" sign to the rightof the conductor's right shoulder, in the curved section of the roof. I can't make out any of the other advertisements, but there is one that shows a canoe with some people in it, towards the front of the car.

There is a poster on the right-front of the car that is about "Lexington Park", showing a banner flag with an "L" in a circle, and below that it reads, "Lexington Park Now Open".

On the left-front of this car is a poster that reads, "Opens Thursday May 30, Paragon and Palm Garden, Nantasket Beach".

The next streetcar in the line says, "Lynn" near the top.
It also has a poster on the front that reads, "POPS...???". ...maybe something about The Boston Pops?

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